Both Sadie and Daddy Visit the Doctor
Sadie went in for her two week check up yesterday and she is doing great. At her first check up, she weighed in at 4 pounds 9 ounces. A week and a half later and she is back up to 5 pounds 8 ounces. This wasn’t a big surprise to us because she is eating constantly! And although she’s still a teeny little thing, her size is deceiving, because she sure is strong! She waves those hands around and kicks her legs out with incredible strength. Of course, this is something I’ve known ever since I felt those first real kicks from inside my belly. She would certainly knock the air out of me. And the nurse was introduced to that strength yesterday as she was trying to stretch Sadie out to take some measurements. And when she was trying to measure the circumference of Sadie’s head, Sadie kept grabbing the tape measure and pulling it away from her. Sadie is one tough lady!
Also, she lost her yucky belly button stub today, so she will be getting her first real bath soon. I was glad to see it go, and her belly looks very cute! I’m looking forward to finding out what she thinks of bathing…
We still haven’t made much progress with putting her down to sleep. Whenever we put her down, she starts to fuss, and we pick her right back up and let her sleep in our arms. Not a good move, I know, but we are working on it!
And my work around the house has increased a bit this week since poor Nate went and tore his ACL Tuesday night playing flag football. The timing of this injury is obviously pretty bad, but Nate’s birthday was Wednesday, and he has steadfastly held to his belief that his birthday is cursed. This was actually the third of his birthdays that was spent in the emergency room! He has three weeks of physical therapy ahead of him, and then a decision will be made regarding surgery. As I write this, Sadie and her Daddy (and Brody) are sleeping on the couch as Nate rests his knee.