Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Learning to Accessorize!

Spotting the necklace...

Putting it on...

Looking lovely!

"Yay for accessorizing!"

"Ok that was fun. Let's do it all over again!"

Taking it off only to put it back on...(This cycle continues over and over and over and....)

Loving her jewelry!

Pretty baby!

11 Months Old- The Bloopers

"The itsy-bitsy spider..." (Notice that she's acting out the song while standing in her new signature pose- "the flamingo"!)

"...climbed up the water spout..."

"...down came the rain..."

"Ok I'm out!" (At least she climbs down feet first these days!)

So we try again, and this time she keeps touching her bear's nose and saying, "beep, beep!"

11 Months Old!