Sunday, September 6, 2009

First Haircut!

Hanging out with Brianna before the first haircut.

Sweet Kisses!

Getting ready for the first snip...

Scared and clinging to Mommy!

Getting down to business!

A Few New Things...

We have new faces of frustration...

We have newly irritated knees/legs as a result of the crawling...

We can now stand on our own for much longer periods of time...

We can no longer sleep in our crib because all we'll do is stand in it and try to climb out. We now sleep in the playpen.
We love playing in bubbles...

We're growing so big with best buddy Lola...

Little Drummer!

Sadie's new thing is to bang her hands on everything to make noise...

Here she is playing drums on our end table.

And here she is banging on a pot I gave her.

The pot is now the new favorite toy!

Sadie Has a Bodyguard

Brody thinks that he is Sadie's bodyguard.

He patiently lets Sadie pet (tug) his ears.

Then Sophie tries to come over to Sadie, but Brody gives her "the look" to warn her to back off.

Sophie tries to lick Sadie anyway, and Brody attacks!

(I should mention that Brody has a low blood count so he's currently taking heavy steroids, which make him quite belligerent! And I'll also assure you that sweet innocent Sophie was not injured.)