Friday, June 25, 2010

Spinning, Boy Clothes, and New Teeth...

Lately, Sadie loves to throw her body around in circles. Kids seem to find spinning so much fun!

You may also notice that the shoes Sadie is spinning in aren't quite as girly as the types of shoes she usually wears. There was a huge sale at Gymboree this week, and since Sadie has all the clothing and shoes that she can handle, I decided to stock up on boy clothes, just in case our early ultrasound picture is correct. Well, Sadie, being the huge shoe and clothing fan that she is, has taken a liking to these new clothes. So at least I know that if that ultrasound picture is deceiving, it's a good thing Sadie can pull off boy clothes!

Wearing one of her little "brother's" (?) new monkey shirts!

Also new is Sadie's two top teeth. It only took 16 months for us to get them. It's about time!

Clearly, Sadie is excited that they've finally arrived.

And finally, despite the fact that Sadie can pull off boy clothes, at heart, she is 100% girl. My little girl loves her accessories!!