Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mind of Her Own

This outfit was 100% picked out by Sadie. She insisted she wear:
-Black pants ("Back pans")
-Elmo shirt ("Elmo shut")
-Mermaid boobies ("Muhmaid boobies")
-Hair bow ("Heyah bow")
-Princess Crown ("Pincess cwown")
-Flip-flops ("Fip pops")

Princess Sadie Bug

Sadie is very choosy about her clothes lately. Yesterday she would only wear this too-big-for-her princess gown and her mermaid wig. Clearly, Halloween will continue all year long for us! Sadie refused to take off her ensemble, even to the point that we had to skip her beloved gym class because obviously I couldn't take her in this dress. To Sadie, the sacrifice was worth it to feel like a princess all day!

This video is full of fun Sadie moments!

6 More Weeks???

How big will this belly get???


Blog posts have been slow lately because we are in the midst of moving chaos. The move is nowhere close to being done, but I do have a chance to update a bit.

Here is Sadie in the playroom at the new house. This is her new favorite position, and I found her relaxing in it while she watched Nana and PopPop paint her room.