Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sawyer's Play Time


Sawyer is very fascinated with his hands and with learning to control them. It's so cute to watch him try so hard. He's spending a lot of time lately focusing on them.

(You can also catch a glimpse in this video of Sadie doing one of her favorite things- watching YouTube clips of The Little Mermaid Broadway show.)

More Sawyer

Holding my finger...

...and talking to me...

So sweet!

Boppy Pillow

Sawyer loves napping on his Boppy Pillow; however, I'd never let him sleep there unless I were watching him. Here's the sleepyhead and his many sleeping positions.

My Babies

Sharing Her Princesses

Sadie has been completely out of diapers for the past week now, and one of her prizes was a collection of Disney princess figurines. She designated each member of our family with a princess, and she makes us all carry our princesses around. Daddy has Cinderella, I have Snow White, Sawyer has Belle, Sitty has Aurura, Brody has Jasmine, and of course, Sadie has Ariel. These princesses are a very big deal in our house. Here is Sadie showering her brother with the princesses...

Newborn Playdate

Lauren, Sawyer and Jamie

Big Sister Sadie trying to get Sawyer to smile for the picture