Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Few More Recent Pictures!

Uh oh! Sadie is eyeing Brody's special toy!
Brody swoops in and says, "Don't even think about it without my permission!"

Brody storms off, leaving Sadie feeling confused...

This is Sadie's new favorite toy! She loves to hit the button and make the kid pop up. But then she tries to eat the kid before he pops back down!

This is her first time sitting with no hands!

This is her second time sitting with no hands!

I just like this picture!

My Gator Girl!

Whoops! She rolled right off her mat!

Examining her face up close and personal!
Think she's got enough toys in there??

"But Mom, I just can't find the one I really want!"
"Teething lasts how long?!?"

A Few of My Favorite Things!

There are a million things, but here are just a few. She has started reaching out for us to pick her up. I love going in to get her after a nap (which usually only lasts about 8 minutes!) and having her reach her arms up now. She did this also with her Sitty the other day and practically lunged at her. Which brings me to the hugs. She now wraps her arms around my neck and snuggles her head into my neck. Love it! And she loves rubbing our faces. She plays with our cheeks and puts her hand on our mouth to kiss it. She even does this to the dogs. She loves to pet their ears. Also, while she nurses, she has always wrapped her hand around my finger, but now we hold hands and she interlocks all of her fingers with mine. Love it! And I also love when she smiles mid-nursing! And she giggles all the time now too. I always kiss her cheeks, but the other day as she turned her head, I kissed the corner of her mouth. She thought this was hysterical! So now every time I kiss the corner of her mouth she giggles. She also loves to play “pattycake,” and she always laughs out loud when I clap her hands together for the “pat it” part! Without any doubt, this all more than makes up for her refusal to sleep!

Reaching her arms out for her bear. (This is what she does to us too!)

Snuggling her bear!
Kissing her bunny!
Looking so sweet!