Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pretty Lips!

I very very rarely wear any type of makeup. So when I do, Sadie is fascinated! She loves to watch my lips when I have gloss on. And she really, really wanted to try some gloss on her lips. And since I can't say no, I gave in. Sadie loved it! She kept puckering up and pointing to her lips. I hope I haven't started a new trend!

Spelling Her Name and Revealing Her Crush

This video is of Sadie on her way to school this morning. She LOVES spelling her name now. Except she tends to leave out the "a." She's just not very fond of that letter.

Also, when I ask her who she's going to see at school, she excitedly tells me "Brayden." Except at the time, I had no idea what she was saying. But when we got to class, she went to the class pictures outside the door, pointed to Brayden, and yelled out his name. That's when I realized my girl has a crush! But of course, when Brayden walked through the door, Sadie played it cool. Way to play hard to get!