Thursday, August 20, 2009

Doctor Appointment

Yesterday was Sadie's six month check up. She got more shots, which she did very well with. We also discussed Sadie's difficulty (understatement!) with sleeping and developed a plan to try and conquer it (details to come!) She weighed in at 13 pounds, 14 ounces; measured in at 25.25 inches; and her head was 16.25 inches around. The biggest growth was her head! She's at 25th percentile, 50th percentile, 25th percentile, respectively.

But to me, the most exciting part of the appointment was "The Wave." Sadie and I have been working on waving hello for a little while now, and she'd gotten fairly good at waving back to me. Well, we walk in to the reception area, I turn my head, and turn back to see the receptionist waving at Sadie. I said, "If you give her a few seconds, she may wave back," and the receptionist said, "No, she waved to me first." So, of course, I was thrilled. Then, when the nurse brought Sadie back to weigh her, Sadie waved at her too. All by herself! Then, when the doctor walked in, Sadie waved at her! It was very exciting! My little show-off couldn't resist impressing her new doctor! (Who we loved, by the way!)

Finger Foods!

So Sadie's been doing really well with solid foods. So far we have done rice cereal, peas, pears, bananas, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal. The rice cereal and peas have not gone over very well. The oatmeal and sweet potatoes are her favorite so far. Well today we tried our first finger food. I gave Sadie a "Mum-Mum," an organic rice biscuit. She definitely enjoyed feeding herself...

Testing it out...

Hmmm... This is interesting...


All gone!

Drama Queen!

So I'm not entirely sure what this is all about, but lately Sadie has started doing this very dramatic fake cough. And, as if that wasn't enough, she also rolls around the floor, kicking her arms and legs as she "coughs." The episode below lasted about half an hour!

But, there was something productive about this "coughing" fit- Sadie figured out how to go from lying on her belly to sitting on her butt. She's had the reverse down for weeks.

But then the "coughing" resumes!!