Monday, September 21, 2009

Then and Now...

Today, Sadie was wearing the same dress (different size) as she was at five weeks old. She doesn't even look like the same baby! But she's still got the same moves!

Waving to Mommy then...

Waving to Mommy now...

Hand in her mouth then...

Hand in her mouth now...

Staring in to the camera then...

Staring in to the camera now...

Faraway look then...

Faraway look now...

First Fever...

This weekend was tough. Sadie had her first fever. It started Saturday morning and wouldn't go away until midnight on Sunday. The fever peaked at 102.3. She felt terrible! I took her to an urgent care center Sunday afternoon, and again to the pediatrician today. The doctor thinks it was a stomach virus and that Sadie is on the mend. Since she was in my arms every moment, I don't have any pictures of her from this weekend, but they wouldn't have been fun pictures anyway. So here are a few of her Friday night, when she was still feeling good...

Having fun at the park...

Loving the swing...

Squeals of delight...

Climbing the stairs in her pj's.

"Night, night!"