Saturday, February 20, 2010

Miami Seaquarium

Her first look at a dolphin...

So exciting!

Family picture (and a random peacock!)

Pretty girl...

We bought her a souvenir cup and she absolutely loved it. Every time she took a sip she giggled!

Getting a better view...

Pointing out her favorites!

She really liked the black and yellow one...

Wiping her sandy hand off on her shirt...

Trying to climb up the tank...

Fountains are her favorite!

A fun day at the Seaquarium!

New Hobbies

Sadie is obsessed with books! She makes me read the same ones over and over again! And when I take her into a bookstore or library, she is in heaven!
(She even roped poor Andrew in to reading to her!)

Reading on the move!

And while her other new hobby, golf, is a very very distant second to books, it's still cute enough to be worth mentioning....
Hitting the ball around the house...

"Hole in one!"

"See, Mom, you're supposed to hit this with this..."

Posing with her clubs...