Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Vintage Toys

Sadie has recently become obsessed with Strawberry Shortcake. So I dug out my old Strawberry Shortcake dolls, and she loved them!
The new and old versions side by side

I also found my Cabbage Patch dolls

And here is Sadie's Care Bear next to my old Care Bear

A Wedding Weekend

Getting ready to go to the church

Napping between the ceremony and the reception

Sadie loved running on the dance floor!

Dancing with his babies

Sawyer getting some love

Awesome sorority sister Meghan!

Beautiful bride and her daddy

Sadie loves Meghan!

Little girls flock together!

Sawyer taking a mid-reception nap

Love this bride! My awesome Little!

The coolest bride ever wearing the coolest shoes ever!

On the Move

Ballerina Princess

(I love the shadow of her profile against the wall!)

(This is the bar Nate installed in Sawyer's playroom for Sawyer to pull up on. Apparently it also makes a good ballerina bar)

(She wants her hair DOWN!)