Saturday, June 13, 2009

Four Months Old!

Doctor Appointment

Sadie went to the doctor yesterday for her four month check-up. She weighed in at 12 pounds, more than doubling her birth weight, and putting her at the 9th percentile for weight (up from the 3rd percentile.) She measured in at 24 inches, up 6 inches from birth, and putting her in the 26th percentile for length! And her pretty, little head measured 15.5 inches, up from 11 inches, putting her in the 5th percentile for head circumference (up from not even being on the charts!) Looks like Sadie will have a tiny head like her Momma!

She did very well at her appointment, smiling at all the doctors, and having a good old time. Of course, that was until she got her shots, at which point she SCREAMED, and made Mommy very sad! But she quickly recovered, and went home and slept great!